Sovereignty Mentorship Lesson
Wholeness and balance vibrations, reader. I want to dive into a profound topic that affects us all – the division within ourselves and how it keeps us from accessing our true power. By examining this division and understanding its roots, we can begin the journey of reuniting with our authentic self and unleashing the vivid energy that lies dormant within.
Clarification and Classification
In no way should my words be construed to insinuate that I am referring in any way to the dependency on external entities, deities, or eidolons. The foundation of my Opus Magnus is that the Supreme Being is within and can only be fully realized in a balanced way through introspection of the highest mantra: All is Self. Spirituality will remain defined as “The Study of Spirits,” and as an Adept in such matters, I can only be inclined to reveal what is mostly unseen but vital to our awareness.
The astral plane and the variety of dimensions that exist contain various energetic forms. Our focus here is on the classification of a species of Jinn known as the Qarina, Quarina, Q-R-N, Karen, Carol, Korina, Kore, etc. It should be known that the term Jinn is general, and here we barely scratch the surface of their species and subspecies classifications.
They are as follows:
- Qurana’ (sing. qarin) – jinn doppelgangers/doubles born with each human. (This is the class up for study here).
- Hinn – dog-like jinn, this includes cenophali, dog-faced priests, and the breed of werewolf-like men called Anubis.
- Shiqq – half-men jinn that devour travelers as they are wanderers, drifters, and vagabonds.
- Si’lah – forest jinn that make humans dance as they are of the merry folk.
- Nasnas – one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged jinn inhabiting arid lands.
- Dalhath – sea jinn.
- Marid – powerful building/mason jinn. This is the classification known as fremessen (misspelled), Igigi, or genie.
- Ifrit – wicked, strong jinn.
- Ghoul – shapeshifting desert jinn.
Etymology correlations 1: DOUBLE – DEVIL – DBL – DVL – B = V
Etymology correlations 2: QARIN – QRN – QaRaN – KRN
At there core these words seem to refer to a double body or testiment. An oath and corpus of something built on wisdom. I believe our spiritual books were originally guide books for the human vessel made “manifest”.

The Two Trees: A Tale of Division
Since our focus in on the Qarina or “Double” we will begin by citing the existence of two worlds. In many spiritual traditions, there is a story of two trees – the Tree of Life, offering everlasting existence, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Few have realized that these trees may represent two different worlds or realities. One teaches the knowledge of duality and division, while the other imparts the wisdom of unity and eternal life.
When we partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, we enter a realm defined by contrast and separation. Our consciousness splits into a narration of what is “good” and “bad,” creating an internal devil that instills fear and doubt and an “Angel” who attempts to avoid it. This division is the very foundation of the reality we currently inhabit.
The Sacrifice of Reality
Ancient texts and symbolism often allude to the sacrifice of a firstborn – a metaphor I have come to believe for how we have been divided from our double between two different realities. This other half of self or twin could be our doppelganger that when combined with to form a whole authentic Self. A Being who is both awake, aware, and everlasting across internal and external realities.
When our original wholeness was split betwix in absense of total Self we may have turned against parts of ourselves, labeling them as evil or unworthy, leading to an endless internal battle of conflict.
In the ancient Persian and Islamic traditions there is a concept known as the Qarin or Qarina (an etheric double or astral twin that accompanies each human from birth. Made of air and fire, in contrast to our mostly earth and water makeup, the Qarin serves as a faithful recorder of all our experiences. It holds the memory of our true self and is said to participate in are transition phase at the end of physical life.
I believe due to the division we’ve embraced based on a lack of metaphysical awareness, many have come to fear and reject their double sometimes referred to as the hgiher Self. People have been accustom to seeing it as a demonic entity rather than an integral part of their being. This rejection however seems to only deepen the rift within ourselves, making it more challenging to access our innate wisdom and power of a undivided being.

Bridging the Gap: Aligning Our Elements
To fully reconnect with Self and heal the division, we must recognize that we are all composed of fundamental elements. By aligning the air and fire of our etheric double with the water and earth of our physical form, we bridge the gap between these seemingly opposing forces and worlds, physicality and the dreamworld.
This alignment requires a deep understanding of ourselves, an awareness of the conditioning and beliefs that have perpetuated our internal division. It demands that we confront the parts of ourselves we’ve deemed unworthy or evil, embracing them with compassion and understanding.
Wholeness and Balance: The Path Forward
The journey to balanced vivid power is one of wholeness and balance. It requires us to step out of the divisive patterns that have governed our reality for so long, embracing unity within ourselves and with all of creation.
As we heal the rifts within, aligning our elements and reclaiming our authentic memories, we begin to access a wellspring of energy and potential that has always been our birthright. We become the sovereign creators of our reality, no longer bound by fear or limited by artificial separation.
Trust yourself, and know that the vivid power you seek is already within you, waiting to be harmonized. With every step towards wholeness, you are reclaiming your birthright and contributing to the great awakening of humanity.
Learn More
- If you are interested in learning more about this topic consider joining Sovereignty Mentorship. You can also use the search bar to find other materials related to this subject under the keywords “Twin Flame”.
- Q: What is the Qarin, and what is its importants?
- A: The Qarin is an etheric double or astral twin that accompanies each human from birth. Made of air and fire. According to tradition it serves as recorder of all our experiences and holds the memory of our true self.
- Q: How can I begin to heal the division within myself?
- A: To heal the internal division, start by acknowledging and embracing the parts of yourself you’ve deemed unworthy. Practice self-compassion and understanding, recognizing that all aspects of your being have a role to play in your growth and evolution. Engage in practices that promote wholeness and balance, such as meditation, journaling, or energy work.
- Q: Why is reclaiming memories important for unlocking vivid power?
- A: Consciosness is often defined as memories. Immortality can also be defined as moving into another existence with the memory of the previous. By revisiting your personal timeline and fully feeling the emotions associated with each person and experience, you begin to reintegrate the fragmented parts of yourself or open holes in your memory. This process illuminates hidden corners of your psyche and helps you tap into the vast reservoir of energy and potential within.
- Q: How can I support others on this journey of wholeness and balance? A: Support others by holding space for their process, offering compassion and understanding, and sharing your own experiences and insights. Recognize that each person’s journey is unique, and avoid judgment or comparison. Encourage open dialogue, create safe spaces for vulnerability, and celebrate the progress and breakthroughs of those around you. Together, we can create a Tribe of support and empowerment.