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The Germanic King “GUDE” aka “GOD”

The Germanic King “GUDE” aka “GOD”

The first thing that I want to discuss today, is to confirm that what we are going to reveal is a massive secret.

It goes a lot deeper than most people think. Even the words tied around it actually lead to deeper secrets… and that’s because the entire mainframe is coded in words.

The reality is that the etymology brings us so close to the awareness of what we’re speaking about. Because the true extent of what we’re discussing can only really be brought forth in symbolism…. actually geometry.

This is why the ancient societies showed certain symbols. These symbols were generally marks from the geometry of what they were discussing. They would encode certain marks as if you had the geometry in front of you, and you just connected certain lines, and then removed everything else.

The resulting strange-looking symbol, that only a master would know how to interpret.

This became a secret language among societies predominantly working with geometry; building to erect and to construct.

When we get into terms like rulers, lords, gods and the entire hierarchy that exists throughout these planetary systems, and stretch into what we would call the cosmos… we start realizing that maybe the joke is on us at times…

How much knowledge do we really have about the specific things that control our reality?

We must be prepared to utilize the sleuth work; the ability to discern or troubleshoot in order to actually get us to the answers… and those answers reveal themselves to us from logic, which is reason, which is the logos itself.

The word logos means reason; it actually even means to judge… and to be wise is to judge fairly and balanced with what you’re reasoning with now.

Innerstand the world is already thousands of years after what we call numbers have been discovered.

Numbers are not something that we invented, we discovered them. We found something that was already here.

The original use for numbers was to map out a theology or a theos… an idea of how God functions. Numbers are used in conjunction with shape because they correspond with one another, hence geometry.

When we vibrate one harmonic, we see that one tone going up and down, two harmonic we see that two tone… Numbers respond to the frequencies that are playing naturally in reality.

Numbers themselves are the highest level of communication when it comes to innerstanding different forms in nature.

The true linguistic value of numbers is that they provide the most benefit at interpreting what’s happening in a metaphysical reality… that is if you really know the meaning of numbers.

This brings us to golden numbers or Golden Gods and centers us into our conversation today about the character known as Gude or God.

These terms are actual acts and modes of division, superiority… and most importantly they are acts of racism.

Now to define racism very briefly, because there are several tribes in the world that have been locked in these struggles, each trying to figure out who came first, and who is really the most powerful.

We will look at the etymology of the word race… that’s what masters do.

A person who is a racist is known to have racial problems.

Within that word racial it is telling you exactly what racism stems from… a Ratio; that is the proportions or the harmonics of the divisions of light and sound.

So, what creates a difference in this reality whether it’s black or white, plant, dog, insect or whatever… is the arrangement of the chaos.

Most are totally afraid of even the word chaos in itself, and it is pushed across the reality as something to absolutely avoid.

However, in the New Age movement, whether they are aware of it or not, chaos is actually what they are saying they really want.

Let me explain…

Chaos is when there is no differentiation at all. Chaos is when everything is commingled together in one massive form.

What we call reasoning and thinking does not actually exist in that space, because there is no way to divide, and there is no way to create any kind of separation.

It is most important to remember these principles of what we are living in, in this world based on divisions, based on the ability to divide matter, and based on the division of unlimited ether into something that takes on an identity.

There is a way that this is precisely done, and that precise gesture is known as a sacred cut… a sacred cut that connects very closely to sacred geometry.

It is simply the act of shaping, forming, and fashioning different life forms in this reality.

In the ancient cultures, whether you’re looking into Angkor Wat or you’re looking into Kemet, show the process of creating multiple beings with different kind of persuasions and variations, and the resulting chimeras.

We have come to innerstand they interacted with this reality through their DNA and their spiritual existence, much like what we would see as PlayStation, or augmented and virtual reality of today.

The reason why it’s important for me to bring this up is that the exact same knowledge of Sacred Geometry and Sacred Cut is in crystal patterns. It is in how snowflakes, Merkabas, and tetrahedrons form… all of that is principally about the construct of the reality and what goes on behind the scenes.

How is the reality actually put together to allow us to see what we’re seeing?

What really goes on in what we know as the fourth dimension?

We are in the third dimension. There are two-dimension beings below us, that see things flat… they are oblivious to what we do here and how it affects them even though they experience it every day.

In the same way, we are oblivious to what is going on in 4d and to fourth-dimensional beings; what they’re doing and how it affects us every day, unless we choose to look a bit closer, to focus our lens… and when we do it will show us that to remove judgments, is to get you closer to the original; to remove racial color lines is to get you closer to an original.

If you are not an original then you are a replica, but it also shows us that the original is chaos.

Due to this massive distance between where we are and pure everything or chaos… what we seek to do is navigate the ladder to climb up higher, where we have more abilities and fewer confinements.

Density is just confinement. In higher, less dense dimensions we have more spatial to begin to operate and create for us a rather pleasant, happy reality continuously without end.

Now, when 4d beings are interacting with the third dimension, it can only be summed up as the art of Angelics; meaning to enlist another thinking life-form or reasoning entity, something moving in reason that can be attracted from a plane that is higher than ours, to do things or cause actions here.

That is in itself, the great Geometry.

This letter G can be seen as many things, but when you look at letters as a symbol, a capital G and a lowercase G is only a spinning 6.

Some may say, “well it doesn’t look like it”… but that’s because the same things can look different but still all be related in our reality.

In the etymology for a specific group of people, the symbol that they saw which looked like a 6, eventually translated into the language as a G.

The G in geometry became known as God.

Next, we will get into how this great knowledge brings us into a scenario with the good God… a Germanic King named Gude.

This article was sourced from an interview between Sevan Bomar and Isaac Williams on the topic of the Gude/God figure, and the conversation has been presented in 7 connecting blogs (this is 1 of 7).  It is part of our new Share and Earn incentivization program, which is just one way Secret Energy can help you achieve sovereignty.  Stay tuned for upcoming episodes!  

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