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Retina Eye Natural Remedies

Retina Eye Natural Remedies

The retina is the most back part of the eye that identifies and is sensitive to light. When the light hits the retina, photoreceptors cause a chemical change in the rods and cones to send messages to the brain. Retina problems can come from several causes, from mechanical injuries or diseases such as diabetes. It may also come from lack of circulation or oxygen.

Medical treatments for retina problems include surgery, laser treatments, and more. They are often successful, but not always.

Natural treatments can be used with other therapies and medicines. I have seen some amazing results. Use medical diagnostics and symptoms for best results. The natural therapies are safe and will not interfere with other therapies.

For good eye nutrition, use a whole-food natural vitamin from New Chapter. The absorption is better with this type of supplement. Always eliminate tobacco as it reduces circulation and damages cells. Severely reduce alcohol to one or two drinks a week as it damages the liver which is our primary detoxification mechanism. Coffee or black tea contains alkaloids that stress the liver and kidneys. Sodas reduce calcium and have too much sugar or artificial sweeteners that may be toxic.


Herbs for Retina Problems

Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties.

Pycnogenol – helpful for general vision problems and is a powerful anti-oxidant.

Bilberry – circulation for a healthy retina

Chamomile – anti-inflammatory as well as a digestion aid.

Cell Salts to Help with Retina Problems

To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16- to 24-ounce bottle; fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#1 Calc fluor 6X – to maintain tissue integrity
#11 Nat sulph 6X – liver health
#12 Silicea 6X – improve connective tissue

Retina Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic natural medicines safe for everyone including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies.

The following are general remedies for retina problems, Retinal atrophy, Retinal detachment, and Retinitis :

General Homeopathics for retina problems

Arnica montana – detachment; blow to head; from injuries; swelling behind retina.

Aurum metallicum – central vision diminished; upper half dark; opacities on cornea.

Agaricus (also Bovista, Phosphorus, Tabacum) – optic nerve degeneration: #1 for eye twitches and facial tics, frostbite, and delirium remedy; nervous twitches; retinal problems.

Belladonna – pinpoint hemorrhages; stroke; injuries; vision blue hazy; red.

China (Cinchona) – anemia of retina (too pail; not enough blood.

Conium – oversensitivity to light; deep in eye; weakness of vision.

Crotalus horr – right-sided hemorrhages.

Ferrum phos – anemia of retina (too pale; not enough blood).

Gelsemium – gooey inflammation of the retina; double vision when looking sideways during pregnancy; toxic protein buildup especially during pregnancy (toxemia); dimness of vision; injury.

Lachesis – left-sided hemorrhages.

Phosphorus – retinal hemorrhages; green halo about lights; detached retina; especially for diabetic retinopathy; letters appear red; oversensitive, fears of the dark.

Retinal atrophy – when the retina gets old and wrinkles and causes vision problems

Carboneum sulph – central vision diminished; myopia; optic neuritis; reading causes tearing; quivering eyelids.

Cina – dilated pupils, photophobia; ciliary muscle spasms; eyestrain with headaches; pains when reading; spots on cornea; possible parasites; nervous people.

Kali iodatum – puffy, burning, watering eyes; inflammation of the iris; pustules on cornea; constant oscillations of eyeball; photophobia; winking is painful; lower eyelid twitch.

Phosphorus – retinal hemorrhages; green halo about lights; detached retina; especially for diabetic retinopathy; letters appear red; oversensitive, fears of the dark.

Sanicula – tears in the cold open air or cold applications; eyes burn with a sticky fluid; ulcerated cornea; dim sight; photophobia.

Tabacum – heat and burning in eyes; pupils dilated; retina retains image too long; cornea covered with mucus; squinting and cross-eyed; digestive problems.

Vanadium – neuro-retinitis and blindness; opacity; arcus senilis (opaque ring round the edge of the cornea, seen in old people); paralysis of optic nerve; with weakness and indigestion.

Retinal detachment – when the retina peels off the back of the eye

Phosphorus (#1 Homeopathic for Detached retina) – retinal hemorrhages; green halo about lights; detached retina; especially for diabetic retinopathy; letters appear red; oversensitive, fears of the dark.

Crotalus horr (#2 Homeopathic for Detached Retina) – right-sided; dry burning with tears; ciliary neuralgia; retinal hemorrhages; sensitive to low light.

Apis mellifica – myopia; allergic puffy eyes; hot tears; photophobia; sudden piercing pains.

Lachesis – left-sided; intra ocular hemorrhages (bleeding within the eye); detached retina or bleeding; photophobia; sensitive to tight clothes.

Strychninum – hot, painful, protruding, staring; pupils dilated; spastic constriction of eye muscles; twitching and trembling of eye lids; sparks before eyes.

Retinitis – inflammation of the retina that affects vision

Arsenicum album – burning in the eyes with hot acrid tears; corneal ulceration; photophobia; pupils contracted or dilated; restlessness; better from heat.

Calcarea carb – tears in mornings and open air; spots and ulcers on cornea; dilation of pupils; eyes sensitive to light; can’t read in low light; eye fatigue; tendency to obesity.

Gelsemium – gooey inflammation of the retina; double vision when looking sideways during pregnancy; toxic protein buildup especially during pregnancy (toxemia); dimness of vision; injury.

Kalmia – stiff, drawing sensation when moving eyes; pains increased by moving the eyes; stiff eyelids; rheumatic inflammation of the iris; worse evenings and open air.

Lachesis – left-sided; intra ocular hemorrhages (bleeding within the eye); detached retina or bleeding; photophobia; sensitive to tight clothes.

Mercurius solubis – burning acrid discharges; inflammation of the iris; retinitis worse by firelight and at night; pupils dilated; burning in eyes; photophobia; sensitive to temperature.

Phosphorus – retinal hemorrhages; green halo about lights; detached retina; especially for diabetic retinopathy; letters appear red; oversensitive, fears of the dark.

Plumbum met – pupils contracted; optic neuritis; central vision diminished; glaucoma; paralysis of upper eyelids.

Prunus – ciliary neuralgia; shooting like lightning through the brain to the back part of the head; sudden pain in eyeball as if it would burst, better by tearing; irido-choroiditis (inflammation of the iris and vascular coating between the sclera and the retina); opacity of vitreous humor.

Sulphur – feels like wand in eye; heat and burning in eyes; corneal ulceration; photophobia, worse from heat; retinitis cause by overuse of eyes; vision like black gauze or motes before eyes; halo around lights; intellectual, messy people.



Source: Dave’s Healing Notes

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