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Kali and the Perfect Black

Kali and the Perfect Black

We’re going to get into the misinterpretations of Kali or the Kali Yuga.

Krishna called it “the Kali Yuga” because it is an age of ignorance, darkness, and wildness.

First, we need to define certain commonly-used words, like “solemn” … “Salaam” (“alaikum”) … “Jeru-SALEM.”  – These words mean “darkness,” contrary to what they’re commonly thought to mean.  They mean the Sun is setting or going down over the ocean, and darkness is about to ensue.

The word Jerusalem doesn’t mean “the city of peace.”  Unless “peace” is innerstood according to my original etymology (piece) – meaning not whole, divided, and split.

Jerusalem is called “the city of peace”, but there’s never been peace.  Never… because it’s not the city of peace.  It’s actually the city of darkness.  The city was constructed by people, given grants abroad, who were part of other cultures but could claim they were Jewish people… i.e. Russian Jews, Polish Jews, etc.  They were given an opportunity to come live in the desert so they could create this new nation.

This new nation started getting a lot of spiritual connections tied to it that are completely false.  As we go continue further, we see the falsehood.  All the ideas of peace never actually occur.  All the ideas of connection and unity are not what that city really embodies.

If you live in a land, and you bring about hatred, anger, and envy, it will become dry.  Same as if you’re around a woman, and you bring hatred, anger, and envy out of a harmonic woman, she will leave — you will find your place barren.  If she engages in it, her womb will become barren.  It’s important to remember the physical conditions behind these mental and spiritual conceptions, which you can see in our world today.  

The worshipers of Kali wear black, and pretend they’re about peace – really, they’re about darkness and death.  

That’s our entry point into innerstanding Kali – the side of Kali that’s about inversion.  We also need to interpret the difference between the perfect black versus darkness/distortion.

Remember Osiris, who is actually Murugan?  It’s said that he’s “the lord of the perfect black.”

The Perfect Black is like the consciousness of a child in the stage where it knows nothing… which is akin to ignorance.  If the word “ignorance” didn’t have so many bad connotations associated with it (that we’ve created through our linguistic system), we would innerstand more balanced.

When a person is in a stage of not knowing, they’re in a stage of darkness – as if they have not exited the womb yet.  Because of this, they are wild – meaning they don’t consider what they’re doing while they’re doing it… and this is the ignorance signified with the symbol of Kali.

Kali is also The Eye of Ra in the Kemetian system.

This eye was developed because Ra thought the Egyptians were plotting, and he needed to create something to spy on them.

In the traditional sense, this is the beginning phase or the base pillar of creating anything.  It must be wild and ignorant.  The reason why it’s called perfect is that anything it does that we as enlightened beings consider wrong… it didn’t do intentionally.

It’s without thought, and that’s why it’s “perfect black.”

For clarity, to be perfect black is to be like a child who is not aware of anything they’re doing… there’s nothing premeditated going on.  Even if they kick another person off the roof and laugh – it’s because they’re so innocent.  They don’t know whether they’re doing right or wrong; that is the only way you can maintain perfect black and is the real state of Kali.

Now, the corruption or what I call “the distortion”, is actually what you see when an imitator comes through the system of Kali-worship — in this case, Miley Cyrus, who is trying to emulate Kali.  In many pictures, her tongue is hanging out, and this is because she is a devout worshiper of Kali.


In addition, Madonna is a devout worshiper of Kali under the symbol of the black dog.  Those who have seen the Frozen video know — it is her initiation video. 

She is a Kabbalist… but what kind and under who?  Well, now we know. 

She is under the Shaguni system or the Sanhedrin nasi — those are the only ones still in place and in power in those positions.  

To break down the symbolism, we see the Cult of the Black Dog.

When you understand missing languages like Tamil, you understand the origin of words like naga, which has a lot to do with specific deities.  Words like “nigga,” and “negro” all come from naga or negus — which was mistaken to mean a snake or serpent later.

Originally it meant “the dog’s tongue,” – because the Tamil people thought the tongue of the dog was actually very beautiful, and it was the only animal whose tongue hung out like that.  This is how Kali became directly connected to the black dog in theology – which we’ll break down later at the proper moment. 

It’s important to realize this connection because everything else we’ve been talking about begins to connect after that – but we still need to cover a couple things before we can dive into the code of Kali as it stands today… Stay tuned.

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