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How Do Crystals Work?

How Do Crystals Work?

Crystals form over many years, deep within the earth within the forces of solid matter.  They form in places that are rich in minerals, usually molten rock.  The process in which they are formed usually occurs when hot gases encounter cool surroundings and in turn deposit crystals.  The perfect formation of crystals occurs when the temperature and concentration of the solution they are forming from are in harmony.  It seems it is a type of alchemy that takes place in their formation, as is the same with anything that comes from nature, but the specific formation of crystals is what attracts people to them the most.

There are huge arrays of different types of crystals in all different shapes, sizes, and colors.  Throughout history and continuing into the present day, some people believe in the energetic properties crystals have as well as their aesthetic beauty which can be utilized for color therapy.  Although crystals are not spoken about in science to have healing effects, when we listen to our spiritual guides from around the world we see that there is, in fact, a healing property within these crystals that can be utilized within our lives just by being in their presence.

This, it seems is what can be difficult to grasp for some people as they are skeptical, as we all are when something new is presented to us.  However, this is not a new concept, it only appears so in our modern day since we are so heavily bombarded by science and the outer world of tangible reality.  The healing benefits of crystals can sometimes be met with much speculation.  It is understandable that people may think crystals cannot actually do anything outside of appeal to our eyes.

We understand that plants and water carry the same energizing and healing effects only because we consume them, therefore, what about the energy of matter and how it affects our lives?  For instance, when a person is in the presence of wondrous art, a scenic view of nature, or even in the presence of a person who is negative, then why are we so affected by these things if we do not consume them?  This is because everything is made up of energy.  This energy field cannot always be seen by our eyes, rather it can be sensed or felt.  Even our entire bodily system is made purely out of energy, which science does not contradict against.

Since the healing effects of crystals cannot be so easily pinned down by science when many factors need to be taken into account, it all comes down to what we ourselves choose to believe.  This is the same for anything in life, have no doubts about it, because it is our judgments and reactions that create our world, not the other way around.

Crystals radiate pure patterns since they are sourced directly from nature.  They are mother natures production of art and a representation of how energy is harnessed correctly to create perfect harmony in the material world.

“Each stone resonates with a slightly different pattern geometrically.  These same geometric patterns reside in our systems and organs.” – Benjamin Dean

Therefore, the structural patterns that are active in say a Rose quartz (generally used in order to open the heart chakra) can balance out the same energy structure in our heart.  Nature has created this amazing world we live in, therefore, to believe that nature only creates material that is “pretty to look at” no longer makes sense since the biological codes that exist within and without of us in this world are so magnificently intricate that everything has a purpose.

It is important to first understand the healing benefits that each crystal can have for each different part of your physical, mental and spiritual energies.  Only once you have fully understood and experienced this inherent knowledge surrounding crystals can you begin to see the results.

Red Jasper 


The base or Root Chakra – Red Jasper
Gemstone of supreme health, courage, assertiveness, re-energizes the body, sustains and supports physically and emotionally.


Sacral Chakra – Citrine
A stabilizing stone, restores vitality, motivation, creativity, positive life choices, analytical abilities and regulates the metabolism.


Solar Plexus Chakra – Tigers Eye
Gemstone of abundance and wealth, prosperous business and creativity.  Increases self-esteem, protects and cleanses the aura.


Heart Chakra – Rose Quartz

Heart healer, harmonizer, comforter, a diffuser of negativity, encourages compassion and empathy, balances male and female energy.


Throat Chakra – Sodalite

Gemstone of peace and relaxation, higher communication, expression of highest spiritual truth and dissolves repression.


Third-Eye Chakra – Amethyst

Opens the third eye, enhances enlightenment, dream-work, psychic abilities, personal power, and honesty.  An energy protector.


Crown Chakra – Clear Quartz

High spiritual vibration stone for higher states of consciousness, enhancer of intuition, psychic gifts, sobriety, and memory.

Here at Secret Energy, we sell raw crystals in our Chakra stones kit.  Raw crystals, as opposed to polished crystals, give off more energy as they are in their purest form even if their size is small.  The Chakra Stone set can be a great starter kit for anyone who is wanting to expand their knowledge and experience with the wonderful healing powers of crystals.  More detailed information can be accessed on their own pages.



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