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The Identity of a Thug

The Identity of a Thug

Some may wonder about the origins of the “Thug” culture that is now plaguing our youth.

I have been disclosing the greatest plot of all on the #Keymakers Show over the past few months, revealing that 95% of worlds spiritual culture was taken from the Tamil Nadu region also known as Lemuria – it was then plagiarized, altered, and stolen by imposters and thieves who plundered this ancient culture, along with its language, that we all belong to.

Let us go down and confuse them.  Genesis 11.7

This will need a thorough dissertation beginning with Episode 1 of The Keymakers. Many Priests, Pastors, Imams, Secret Society Leaders, New Age Leaders, etc. will now have the opportunity to desist with the ignorance, and perfect their messages… or be vanquished by the Truth that I will not delay in bringing.

Now a brief dissertation on being a Thug.  I will reveal there are a few Ancestral Families of prominence that survived the Deluge of Lemuria – these retreating families became the likes of the Mayan Civilization, so-called Native Americans, Hondurans etc. just to name a few.  Some are unaware that Tupac Shakur‘s mother named him after a royal descendent of this nation in hopes that he would be returning salvation to his people. His final quote after defeat by the Spanish invaders was “I will be back and there will be millions with me”.


However, the invading parties (such as Shakuni) later corrupted the spiritual sects of ancient India and self-appointed themselves as Brahmans – or the highest spiritual level that can be attained in physicality.  They did this by insisting that the ancient system of spiritual ascendance that is based on the color of the chakras (beginning in black and ending in white) should also be utilized as a way to determine spiritual growth by skin color – thus placing themselves on top of the caste system which they created and is still in use.  What a bunch of losers… who through cunning, gambling, blackmail, and any other dark art, spent hundreds of years turning us against each other.

Fast-forward now to the Present.  These are now your Secret Society leaders – they are your Bankers, your Hidden Crypto Cabal that wrote your Bibles and Koran’s – which are plagiarized and changed from their original text to confuse you… but they still bring some form of resonance since they are taken from something that you genetically know, and subconsciously resonate with.

Lastly, they are the ones who control the music and entertainment industry.  So in this case, you see Tupac came into the music industry with the feeling that he would be a Black Messiah.  This was passed on to him by his Mother, and while he did not know any of the details I’m explaining now, it existed within him to make a change.  However, those who are still lurking in the dark and feeding off your children had another idea.  They played on the message and the personage and made him a Thugee… thus birthing generation after generation of Thugs, until someone breaks this curse.

I, Sevan Bomar, anciently known as Sevaganmuru will break this curse and many others as I come online and bring the ancient nation that is all of us back together.  When evil, pestilence, ignorance, and injustice rule the land… I Incarnate.

To break this curse, you must know that these fake Brahmans I mentioned are by their own admittance, worshippers, and servants of the lowest stage of human consciousness.  They are confused and never innerstood the sacred knowledge.  They represent Kali falsely by associating her with the angel of death.  Thus, they kill mothers, fathers, and children to appease her.  They wear black religiously and associate themselves with darkness.  Jerusalem is not the city of Peace (based on etymology).  Shalem means Night in the ancient tongue.  They are the worshippers of ignorance.

Tupac came right into all of this.  Sure enough, the members of the dark Cabal (who are thieves that write contracts to bind people with debt) worked their dark magic – and it wasn’t long before a power that could have been used to bring massive unity, was inverted to do the opposite.  Now witness and learn the true origin of a Thug.


The lesson here is it doesn’t matter what you came here to do and how powerful you think you are… you must be in the Know and remain balanced at all times.  You cannot underestimate darkness and wickedness as it moves about the land.  We created the first martial arts, Yoga and Meditation, to defend ourselves from such things.  Be a great Leader amongst your people and be on the watch for those yet to be admonished and correct their ways.  Humanity has always been a loving family.  It is only when we divide from each other that we become our worst enemies and begin destroying our worlds.

There is much much more to all of this, but this is the message I felt guided to share.  Wholeness

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