I know, some metaphysical collectors came armed with their right click or drag and drop to save yet another priceless image into our golden hard drives as if someday it will be our loan computer that will restore all of humanities awareness based on these images and lets not forget pdf’s of infinite knowledge that we have saved. That is highly unlikely but what is far more probable is that you have an Ancient Human Clock that can tell you the unique time for everything as near as your own skin or the amazing women in your life. That’s right, she’s a clock!
Many feel disorientated and stagnant in the times we are in, however, metaphysics shows us this can have a lot to do with the tampering of the divine wombs around us. Brothers, it’s simple, if they get to the portals you come through then they get to you. So, this is about you too and your ability to expand your manifestation space. Check out my recording on Abundance Control where I give all the details about how you can even use simple modern technology to restore your hormonal balance and learn how to read yourself. It is important in Sovereignty for us to be wise about what and who we let control our abundance cycles. Dark sorcerer chemists like Merck and Pfizer should not be an option, you can trust yourself.
Wholeness and Balance Vibrations
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Natural Cycles: Purposeful Birth Control & Menstrual Tracker – Free the body up from chemicals that are designed to abort your creations. Take back your womb with the NaturalCycles app. https://www.naturalcycles.com
Also, remember there are many herbs from nature that work as contraceptives. Be Wise.
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