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Shilajit Crowned King of Supplements

Shilajit Crowned King of Supplements

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit, a tar-like wonder substance, has been lauded for its health benefits since ancient times. It is primarily used in Ayurvedic medicine [2][7]. Found in the rocks of the Himalayas, it’s formed through the slow decomposition of plant matter and minerals over thousands of years, offering a natural solution to various health concerns [1][6]. Its history and potent properties raise intriguing questions about what does shilajit do and does shilajit work, making it a subject of increasing interest in holistic and scientific health circles [2].

This post delves into the benefits of shilajit, exploring its nutritional composition and the scientific research supporting its health claims [2][5]. It will also provide some insight into how you take shilajit including recommended dosages. Through an in-depth analysis, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential this Ayurvedic remedy holds for enhancing well-being [2].

Historical Significance of Shilajit

Shilajit’s journey through history is as rich and complex as its composition. This natural substance has been revered across various cultures and medicinal practices for millennia:

    1. Ancient Roots and Global Recognition:
        • Originating over 4,000 years ago, Shilajit was integral to Ayurvedic, Chinese, Tibetan, and Persian medicine [9].

        • Esteemed philosophers and physicians like Aristotle, Razi, Biruni, and Ibn Sina documented its benefits, highlighting its widespread acknowledgment [9].

    1. Cultural Significance and Variability:
        • In Persian culture, a similar substance known as mumiay or mummy was considered a panacea for numerous ailments [9].

        • The health-enhancing effects of Shilajit are believed to vary based on its geographical source, adding a layer of mystique to its use [5].

    1. Historical Texts and Preparation:
        • Ancient Hindu and Vedic texts, including the Charaka Samhita and Sushrut Samhita, detail Shilajit’s preparation and therapeutic applications, underscoring its historical importance in treating a broad spectrum of diseases [10][11].

This exploration into Shilajit’s historical significance not only underscores its revered status across different cultures but also provides insights into its enduring legacy in natural medicine.

Scientific Research on Shilajit’s Benefits

Recent scientific research has shed light on the multifaceted benefits of Shilajit, emphasizing its potential in addressing a variety of health concerns:

    • Cognitive Health:
        • Shilajit’s active component, fulvic acid, shows promise in controlling age-related cognitive disorders and providing cognitive stimulation [5].

        • It has the potential to prevent Alzheimer’s disease by blocking tau protein aggregation [5].

    • Physical Well-being:
        • Studies indicate improvements in muscle strength and collagen degradation with Shilajit supplementation, surpassing both low doses and placebos [12].

        • It may benefit cardiovascular health, neurology, inflammation, immunology, and even sexual health [13].

    • Metabolic and Reproductive Health:
        • A human study revealed that daily intake of 2g Shilajit could significantly reduce triglycerides and LDL-C while increasing HDL-C [13].

        • In terms of reproductive health, Shilajit has been linked to increased sperm count and testosterone levels in men, as well as stimulating properties on oocytes and ovulation frequency in female rats [14].

These findings underscore Shilajit’s potential as a versatile supplement for enhancing overall health and well-being.

Shilajit’s Nutritional Composition

Shilajit’s nutritional profile is both vast and impressive tapestry of minerals, vitamins, and organic compounds essential for maintaining good health. Key components include:

    • Humic Substances: Predominantly composed of fulvic acid, which makes up 60% to 80% of its total nutraceutical composition, Shilajit provides a powerful punch of this beneficial compound [5][12].

    • Minerals and Trace Elements: It boasts over 85 different vitamins and minerals, including a significant presence of iron, selenium, zinc, and calcium. A half-teaspoon serving of Shilajit powder alone can provide 30% of the Daily Value (DV) for iron and smaller percentages for selenium, zinc, and calcium [7][9][10].

    • Organic Compounds: Beyond minerals, Shilajit is a source of amino acids, benzoic acid, fatty acids, and more, contributing to its overall health benefits [9].

This comprehensive nutrient profile underscores Shilajit’s potential in supporting various aspects of health, from improving gut health and bone well-being to promoting healthy skin and hair [4][7][9].

Practical Uses and Dosage Recommendations

Shilajit, recognized for its myriad health benefits, is available in various forms and dosages, catering to different needs and preferences. We have found the best to be the fresh tar-like substance format vs the dry often old format. Generally one large perppercorn amount is enough. Mixed with warm to hot water with honey to knock off the bitter taste is perfect.

    • Administration and Considerations:
        • Can be taken with hot milk, ghee, raw honey, sesame oil, or for vegans, coconut oil, herbal teas, or spring water [8]

        • Avoid excessive consumption to prevent complications such as burning sensation, excessive heat, or increased heart rate [17]


Throughout this comprehensive exploration of Shilajit and its myriad benefits, we’ve delved into the historical roots, scientific research, nutritional composition, practical uses, and the essential considerations surrounding its consumption. This ancient, natural supplement has demonstrated significant potential in enhancing cognitive and physical well-being, supporting metabolic and reproductive health, and offering a rich array of minerals, vitamins, and organic compounds. The evidence underscores the depth of Shilajit’s impact on health, reiterating its value in traditional and modern therapeutic practices.

As we reflect on the insights gathered, it becomes clear that Shilajit holds a distinguished place in natural medicine, offering promising avenues for those seeking to improve their health holistically. However, embracing its benefits comes with the responsibility of mindful consumption, acknowledging potential side effects, and the importance of consulting healthcare providers for personalized guidance. In embracing the wisdom of ancient practices integrated with contemporary research, Shilajit presents itself as a compelling addition to one’s health regimen, promising enhanced well-being through nature’s own potent remedy.


What are the established health advantages of using Shilajit?

Shilajit has been recognized for its multiple health advantages which include:
Acting as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent.
Potentially enhancing cognitive functions.
Treating symptoms of altitude sickness.
Combating bone loss.
Increasing male fertility.
Improving exercise performance and aiding in recovery.
Assisting in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
Potentially reducing the risk of seizures.

What are the effects of consuming Shilajit on a daily basis?

Regular daily intake of Shilajit may significantly boost male vitality and address various health issues. It supports reproductive health by fostering the production of healthy sperm and maintaining testosterone levels. Additionally, it can increase energy levels, which may enhance stamina and athletic performance.

Are there any individuals who should refrain from taking Shilajit?

Individuals with certain health conditions should avoid Shilajit. These include:

Sickle cell anemia
Hemochromatosis (excess iron in the blood)

    • Moreover, if you experience allergic reactions such as a rash, increased heart rate, or dizziness after taking Shilajit, you should discontinue its use immediately.

For which conditions is Shilajit traditionally utilized?

Shilajit has a storied history in Ayurvedic medicine and is traditionally used to treat a variety of conditions. These include disorders related to the nervous system, diabetes, the urinary tract, the immune system, the heart, and the digestive system. It is also commonly used to enhance physical performance.

Secret Energy Mountain Gold

Discover why tribe loves Secret Energy Mountain Gold Shilajit. With over 85+ minerals in ionic form with fulvic acid, our Shilajit is harvested in Ladakh at elevations of over 3000 meters. Join the expansion and order your diamond of the herbal world today!

Save 25% off Shilajit for a limited time with coupon code {GOLDBODY} 




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